




Mother: What’s wrong?
Father: Nothing, only….only

Mother: Only what?

Father: (Sorrowfully)  Our two kids are missing!!

Mother:  What? “Just” our two kids are missing!!  Oh mine!!

Father: What should we do?  Oh…..

Mother: What to do? Of course just go look for them!! Hurry!!  (Taking the coat out and put it on Father)

Father:  But….where are we going to start with?

 (Ding Dong.  Father go answering the door.)

Father:  Hi, Mr. Yeh.  Long time no see. What brings you here?

Mr. Yeh:  What’s this?

Father: Isn’t that……

Father: (Mumbling) Oh!! I find some clues.  (Looking at something and suddenly find a piece of paper.)

Father:”Moon-picking deer”  What is this?

Father: First, sprinkle moon powder all over the body. (Then he takes out a jar of powder and sprinkle on himself.)

Then, tie the feet with the magic rope….(wrinkles his eyebrow)  Nonsense!!  (Take out the magic rope from the bag and follow the instruction exactly). At last, open the umbrella….(Take out the umbrella and open it).

The body of the Father starts shaking and he can not even stand steady.

Father: Wow, Wow, what happened? Ahhhhhh (The umbrella starts to drag the Father.  Father finally can not hold himself steady and back off our of the scence.)

 Act 3

Elain: So….we are just going to sit here and wait?  Your plan is useless.  Things are not as simple as you said.  Father hasn’t even found out that we are missing and come find us. Ayh…..(Turn her face away to anther side.)

Luna: But….Theoretically there is eighty percent of possibility that this plan would work.  Shouldn’t blame me.

Elain: I don’t care, I want to go home.  I want to go home….. (Crying and holding on Luna)

Luna: (Sign) I know.  I want to go home, too.  But if we go home now, father could not know what we are good at, and we will be sorry for what Mr. Yeh had done for our plan.




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